Back 4 Blood guide great cards and complete card list

Back 4 Blood guide great cards and complete card list
Here are some cards we recommend adding to your deck in Back 4 Blood
A close-up of the Stinger from Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood cards are a quintessential part of the experience, and one of the major differences between Turtle Rock Studios’ latest game and Left 4 Dead.

In this Back 4 Blood cards guide, we’ll teach you how cards work (including how to get more), show off 15 of our favorite cards, and we list all 156 cards in Back 4 Blood for your convenience.

Cards seem like a complex and overwhelming system in Back 4 Blood — especially if you scroll down to our complete list — but they’re actually relatively simple. When you start a new level in a safe house, Back 4 Blood will prompt you to play a card from your deck (the first card automatically gets played after you load in). You play a new card — or several — at the start of each level.

The cards are essentially just perks. When you’re building a deck, you’re creating a random group of potential perks for the game to offer you. It’ll give you a hand, and you’ll choose the one you want to play. If you think of this as a semi-random perk system that Turtle Rock Studios built into a card game for clarity and easy readability, it’s a bit easier to parse.

Cards give bonuses to your characters, like bonus move speed or damage with a certain weapon type. They won’t always make or break your run, but there are some powerful options that can make a huge difference.

The Director — the game’s AI system — also plays cards that make your run harder, or incentivize you to complete a difficult task. You can’t control these, but they may inform what cards might be useful for you to play and try to counter The Director — by playing long-distance cards if it plays a short-range penalty.

To get more cards, you’ll need to complete missions to earn Supply Points. You can then use those points to unlock Supply Chains back in Fort Hope, which give you new cards.

The Back 4 Blood card screen
There are a ton of great cards in Back 4 Blood, and you could make an awesome deck without using any of our recommendations below. That also means you might not see one of your favorites here. Feel free to call out cards you think everyone should know about in the comments section below.

Let’s go over some of our favorite cards.

Turns your Bash into a Knife that counts as a Melee weapon

We keep Combat Knife as our top card so it’s always played first. This card gives you a great way out of a bad situation — when zombies surround you, you can more effectively push them away with a knife. But it also gives you a permanent melee weapon, which lets you take advantage of other melee kill cards.

20% Reload Speed

Many reload perks offer negatives, which we don’t usually go for. Reload Drills is simple and very effective without downsides.

1 Extra Life, 5 Health

Second Chance gets a place on this list because it’s a really powerful, really early card with an Extra Life if you die and some extra health. Awesome.

Hold a button to free yourself from Grabs, 50% Breakout Cooldown reduction

Getting held by a zombie is a major pain, and can cause you to die if you aren’t careful or near a friend. Breakout lets you break free and save yourself from death often, especially if you’re not playing with a dedicated group of Cleaners.

Team Effects: 15% Team Stamina

There are a lot of perks that give you bonus stamina, which helps you sprint longer or melee attack more. Mandatory PT gives your entire team a sizable benefit, which is selfless and useful. Mandatory PT is also percentage based — as are many of our suggestions — which means it compounds on other cards you play, rather than just offering a static bonus.

Precision Kills grant you 10% Move Speed for 5 seconds

You’re usually going fast in Back 4 Blood, and Pep In Your Step awards accuracy with a big movement speed boost.

Each bullet hit causes the target to take 1% increased damage for 3 seconds

Shredder is useful for some of the boss enemies or Mutations. While some die pretty quickly, others can take a lot of punishment. Shredder lets you take them down faster than ever, quickly removing the threat.

Melee kills grant 1 Temporary Health to you and nearby teammates

Vanguard is a great pairing with Combat Knife and melee weapons. Not only does it heal you and your allies, there are other cards that give you some sweet bonuses when you have Temporary Health.

Precision Kills grant 5% Reload Speed for 5 seconds (stacking up to 10 times)

Similar to Pep In Your Step, In the Zone lets you reload faster and faster the more accurate you are. In conjunction, you’ll be able to use these two cards to run and gun effectively.

Each second you Aim Down Sights increases your Damage by 10% (up to 3 stacks)

Patient Hunter is a little situational, but it has a lot of potential. Aiming down the sights and moving slowly isn’t always the best in Back 4 Blood. But when you need to take down an Ogre or another big Mutation, 30% damage is a huge boost, and it makes this card worthwhile.

When you or your team kills a Mutation gain 1% damage (up to 15% until the end of the level)

Confident Killer is a great perk for longer levels, especially on harder difficulties. As you move forward through a level and kill special zombies, you’ll just get stronger and stronger.

Gain 10% Melee Damage, 10% Melee Speed, and 5% Move Speed for each Melee kill in the last 4 seconds

Berserker gives you bonuses to stuff we always want. It gives you bonus melee damage, melee speed, and move speed every time you kill a zombie with either your dedicated melee weapon or that Combat Knife.

Melee Kills heal 2 Health

Battle Lust really pairs well with Combat Knife and other melee play styles. It essentially gives you Leech, allowing you to steal life from enemies and keep yourself alive after being surrounded.

You can equip a Primary weapon in your Secondary slot. -25% Swap Speed

While we usually don’t recommend cards with negatives, Two is One and One is None is a great pickup. Instead of a primary and a secondary, this perk will let you carry a rifle and a shotgun. This is an awesome perk that gives you a lot more versatility — as long as you’re mindful when you swap weapons.

Precision Kills have a 20% chance to cause Ridden to explode, dealing 15 damage to other Ridden within 4 meters

Broadside is a card that doesn’t always benefit you. But since you kill a lot of zombies in Back 4 Blood, that 20% will activate more than you think. If you’re already aiming for the head, killing multiple zombies with a single stone (or explosion) is very useful.

Here’s a complete list of all the cards in Back 4 Blood.

Card type Card name Card effects
Brawn Vitamins 15 Health
Brawn Hydration Pack 25 Health, -15% Ammo Capacity
Brawn Canned Goods 40 Health, -30% Stamina
Brawn Batter Up 50% Melee Damage, 5 Health
Brawn Spiky Bits 25% Melee Damage, 10% Damage Resistance while using a Melee weapon, -15% Ammo Capacity
Brawn Mean Drunk 75% Melee Damage. Your Melee Attacks cleave through enemies dealing damage in a large area. Disables: Sprint
Brawn Durable 15% Trauma Resistance, 5 Health
Brawn Body Armor 25% Trauma Resistance, -15% Ammo Capacity
Brawn Wooden Armor 40% Trauma Resistance, -100% Fire Resistance, -100% Acid Resistance, -100% Explosion Resistance
Brawn Grenade Training 25% Accessory Damage
Brawn Demolitions Expert 50% Accessory Damage, -15% Ammo Capacity
Brawn Improvised Explosives 75% Accessory Damage, -25% Swap Speed
Brawn Confident Killer When you or your team kills a Mutation gain 1% damage (up to 15% until the end of the level)
Brawn Heavy Hitter Melee hits against Weakspots deal 20 additional Stumble Damage
Brawn Ignore the Pain 20% Melee Damage against Mutations. When you deal Melee damage to a Mutation gain 1 Temporary Health and recover 3 Stamina
Brawn Berserker Gain 10% Melee Damage, 10% Melee Speed, and 5% Move Speed for each Melee kill in the last 4 seconds
Brawn True Grit When you take a single hit for 15 or more damage, heal 8 Health over 5 seconds
Brawn Pyro 100% Fire damage. Kill with fire grant you 3 Temporary Health. You can sense flammable objects nearby
Brawn Bomb Squad 100% Explosive Damage, 35% Explosive Resistance
Brawn Scar Tissue Take 1 less damage from all Ridden
Brawn Battle Lust Melee Kills heal 2 Health
Brawn Line 'Em Up 100% Bullet Penetration with Assault Rifles
Brawn Face Your Fears Gain 3 Temporary Health whenever you kill a Ridden within 2 meters
Brawn Well Fed -20% Stamina Regen, Teama Effects: 10 Team Health
Brawn Heavy Attack Charge: Hold the attack button with Melee weapons to burst forward. Charge attacks deal 100% increased damage
Brawn Sunder Melee hits cause the target to take 20% increased damage for 5 seconds
Brawn Overwatch Kills from greater than 15 meters grant 5 Temporary Health to teammates within 10 meters of the target
Brawn Fresh Bandage Heal 10 Trauma Damage at the start of each level
Brawn Two is One and One is None You can equip a Primary weapon in your Secondary slot. -25% Swap Speed
Brawn Offensive Scavenger You can sense nearby Offensive Accessories, more Offensive Accessories spawn
Brawn Chemical Courage Pain Meds you apply also grant 25% damage for 60 seconds
Brawn Numb Gain 15% Damage Resistance while you have Temporary Health
Brawn Broadside Precision Kills have a 20% chance to cause Ridden to explode, dealing 15 damage to other Ridden within 4 meters
Brawn Buckshot Bruiser When using Shotguns, gain Temporary Health for each pellet that hits
Brawn Second Chance 1 Extra Life, 5 Health
Discipline Ammo Pouch 25% Ammo Capacity
Discipline Ammo Belt 50% Ammo Capacity, -20% Stamina Efficiency
Discipline Ammo Mule 75% Ammo Capacity, Disables: Support Accessories
Discipline Front Sight Focus 20% Accuracy
Discipline Optics Enthusiast 30% Accuracy, -20% Stamina Efficiency
Discipline Quick Kill 50% Accuracy, Disables: Aim Down Sights
Discipline Motorcycle Jacket 5% Damage Resistance, 5 Health
Discipline Padded Suit 10% Damage Resistance, 5 Health, -20% Stamina Efficiency
Discipline Motorcycle Helmet 15% Damage Resistance, 10 Health, Disables: Aim Down Sights
Discipline Combat Training 5% Bullet Damage, 50% Bullet Penetration
Discipline Large Caliber Rounds 7.5% Bullet Damage, 100% Bullet Penetration, -20% Stamina Efficiency
Discipline Silver Bullets 10% Bullet Damage, 150% Bullet Penetration. When you kill a Mutation, you lose 5 Copper
Discipline Antibiotic Ointment 20% Healing Efficiency
Discipline EMT Bag 40% Healing Efficiency, -20% Stamina Efficiency
Discipline Field Surgeon 60% Healing Efficiency, -50% Use Speed
Discipline Energy Bar 20% Stamina Regeneration, 5 Health
Discipline Cold Brew Coffee 40% Stamina Regeneration, -10% Stamina Efficiency
Discipline Natural Sprinter 100% Stamina Regeneration, -50% Maximum Stamina
Discipline Inspiring Sacrifice Team Effects: When you or a teammate becomes incapacitated, all teammates heal for 25 Health over 20 seconds
Discipline Charitable Soul Healing a teammate also applies 50% of the effect to you
Discipline Hunker Down While crouching, gain 10% Damage Resistance and 40% Accuracy
Discipline Avenge the Fallen Team Effects: When you or a teammate becomes incapacitated, all teammates gain 30% Damage, 20% Reload Speed, and Unlimited Ammo for 10 seconds
Discipline Vanguard Melee kills grant 1 Temporary Health to you and nearby teammates
Discipline In the Zone Precision Kills grant 5% Reload Speed for 5 seconds (stacking up to 10 times)
Discipline Trigger Control 25% Accuracy with Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles
Discipline Needs of the Many -20% Health, Team Effects: 1 Team Extra Life
Discipline Combat Knife Turns your Bash into a Knife that counts as a Melee weapon
Discipline Meatgrinder Gain 30% Move Speed and Accuracy while crouched and using an LMG
Discipline Scattergun Skills 40% Reload Speed with Shotguns
Discipline Controlled Movement 40% Move Speed while aiming down sights with Sniper Rifles
Discipline Ammo for All Team Effects: 10% Team Ammo Capacity
Discipline Down in Front! While crouching you neither take nor deal Friendly Fire damage. 10 Health
Discipline Poultice When you use a Medical Accessory, the target heals for an additional 20 Health over 30 seconds
Discipline Group Therapy When you use a Medical Accessory, all teammates heal for 5 Health
Discipline Medical Professional First Aids and Defibrillators also recover 15 Trauma Damage and 1 Extra Life
Discipline Ammo Scavenger You can sense nearby Ammo, more Ammo spawns
Discipline Support Scavenger You can sense nearby Support Accessories. More Support Accessories spawn
Discipline Weapon Scavenger You can sense nearby weapons. More weapons spawn
Discipline Amped Up When you exit a starting safe room, your team gains 50 Temporary Health
Discipline Patient Hunter Each second you Aim Down Sights increases your Damage by 10% (up to 3 stacks)
Discipline Power Reload Reloading a gun within 0.75 seconds of reaching low ammo will increase its magazine size by 30% until the next reload
Discipline Marked for Death Mutations you ping are highlighted and your team deals 10% increased damage to highlighted enemies
Discipline Knowledge is Power 10% Weak Spot Damage allows players to see values for damage they deal and enemy health bars
Discipline Tactical Vest 30% Rifle Ammo Capacity, 10% Damage with Assault Rifles and LMGs
Discipline Experienced EMT When you use a Medical Accessory, the target gains 20% Maximum Health until the end of the level
Fortune Grenade Pouch 1 additional Offensive Inventory
Fortune Double Grenade Pouch 2 additional Offensive Inventory, -10% Damage Dealt
Fortune Surplus Pouches -10% Health, +1 Team Offensive Inventory
Fortune Fanny Pack 1 additional Support Inventory
Fortune Shoulder Bag 2 additional Support Inventory, -10% Damage Dealt
Fortune Box O' Bags -10% Health, +1 Team Support Inventory
Fortune Mugger Melee kills have a 2% chance to spawn ammo
Fortune Highwayman Pistol kills have a 2% chance to spawn ammo
Fortune Admin Reload When you stow your weapon it reloads, -15% Ammo Capacity
Fortune Bounty Hunter When you kill a Mutation, gain 10 Copper (up to 300 per level)
Fortune Ammo Stash Your secondary weapons have unlimited ammo. Your secondary weapons reload 20% slower
Fortune Life Insurance 2 Extra lives, lose 50 Copper at the start of each level
Fortune Wounded Animal Kills while at Critical Health recover 1 Health
Fortune Compound Interest Gain 10% of your total Copper in each Safe Room
Fortune Lucky Pennies Whenever you or your team loots Copper, you have a 35% chance to find 35% additional Copper
Fortune Money Grubbers Each time your team loots Copper, you gain 5 additional Copper stacking up to 100 additional Copper
Fortune Run and Gun You can shoot while sprinting
Fortune Copper Scavenger You can sense nearby Copper, more Copper piles spawn
Fortune Share the Wealth Each teammate gains 100 bonus Copper at the start of each level
Fortune Shell Carrier 30% Shotgun Ammo Capacity, 10% Damage with Shotguns
Fortune Hazard Pay Gain 250 bonus Copper at the start of each level
Fortune Saferoom Recovery Your Team heals 5 Trauma Damage and refills 10% Ammo at the start of each level
Reflex Cross Trainers 20% Stamina, 20% Stamina Regen, 3% Move Speed
Reflex Energy Drink 40% Stamina, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Rhythmic Breathing 60% Stamina, -20% Slow Resistance
Reflex Reload Drills 20% Reload Speed
Reflex Widemouth Magwell 30% Reload Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Mag Coupler 50% Reload Speed, Disables: Aim Down Sights
Reflex Slugger 5 Health, 10% Melee Stamina Efficiency, 20% Melee Attack Speed
Reflex Brazen 30% Melee Stamina Efficiency, 30% Melee Attack Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Meth Head 40% Melee Attack Speed, 40% Melee Stamina Efficiency, Your Melee Attacks no longer stick in tough enemies, Disables: Aim Down Sights
Reflex Ridden Slayer 20% Weakspot Damage
Reflex Reckless Strategy 30% Weakspot Damage, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Hyper-Focused 50% Weakspot Damage, -75% Aim Down Sight Move Speed
Reflex HI VIS Sights 30% Aim Speed
Reflex Tunnel Vision 50% Aim Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Steady Aim 80% Aim Speed, -50% Aim Down Sight Move Speed
Reflex Shooting Gloves 25% Weapon Swap Speed
Reflex Guns Out 50% Weapon Swap Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Cocky 75% Weapon Swap Speed, When you take damage, your Accuracy is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds
Reflex Smelling Salts 100% Revive Speed
Reflex Pep Talk 150% Revive Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Rousing Speech 225% Revive Speed, Disables: Offensive Accessories, Team Effects: 20% Reduced Incap Trauma
Reflex Dash 5% Move Speed
Reflex Fleet of Foot 10% Move Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Run Like Hell 15% Move Speed, When you take damage, your Accuracy is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds
Reflex Superior Cardio 20% Stamina, 20% Sprint Efficiency, 5 Health
Reflex Olympic Sprinter 30% Sprint Efficiency, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Reckless 40% Sprint Efficiency, When you take damage while Sprinting, you lose all Stamina
Reflex Breakout Breakout: Hold a button to free yourself from Grabs, 50% Breakout Cooldown Reduction (Base 60 seconds)
Reflex Combat Medic 50% Use Speed, Heals teammates for an additional 20 Health when you revive them
Reflex Fire in the Hole! When you throw and Offensive Accessory, gain 20 Temporary Health and 20% Move Speed for 5 seconds
Reflex Medical Expert 15% Healing Efficiency, When you use a Medical Accessory, you gain 15% Move Speed for 15 seconds
Reflex Rolling Thunder 35% Move Speed while firing with Shotguns, 10% Damage with Shotguns
Reflex Speed Demon 6% Move Speed while using an SMG, 35% Reload Speed while using an SMG
Reflex Hellfire 45% Move Speed while firing, 5% Move Speed while not firing
Reflex Marathon Runner No Movement Penalty for strafe and backpedal, Disables: Sprint
Reflex Mandatory PT Team Effects: 15% Team Stamina
Reflex Pep In Your Step Precision Kills grant you 10% Move Speed for 5 seconds
Reflex Shredder Each bullet hit causes the target to take 1% increased damage for 3 seconds (stacks up to 15%)
Reflex Glass Cannon 25% Damage, -30% Health
Reflex Sadistic Gain 5% Weakspot Damage for each Precision Kill in the last 10 seconds
Reflex Evasive Action When you take a hit for 10 or more damage gain 20% Move Speed for 3 seconds
Reflex Adrenaline Fueled 100% Stamina, -75% Stamina Regeneration. When you kill an enemy, gain 10 Stamina instantly and an additional 10 Stamina over 5 seconds
Reflex Miraculous Recovery When you use a Medical Accessory, it has a 25% chance to have 100% increased effect
Reflex Screwdriver 50% Use Speed, 10% Stamina
Reflex Multitool 75% Use Speed, -5% Damage Resistance
Reflex Headband Magnifier 125% Use Speed. When you take damage, you have a chance to be blinded for 1 second
Reflex Utility Scavenger You can sense nearby Quick Accessories. More Quick Accessories spawn
Reflex Stimulants Pain meds you apply also grant 10% Move Speed, 10% Reload Speed, and 10% Weapon Swap Speed for 30 seconds
Reflex On Your Mark When you exit a starting safe room your team gains 15% Move Speed for 30 seconds
Reflex Killer's Instinct 30% Weakspot Damage, Disables: Aim Down Sights
Reflex Power Swap Changing weapons within 0.75 seconds of reaching low ammo grants 20% Damage for 5 seconds
Reflex Stock Pouch 30% Sniper Ammo Capacity, 10% Damage with Sniper Rifles
Reflex Mag Carrier 30% Pistol/SMG Ammo Capacity, 10% Damage with Pistols and SMGs
Reflex Mad Dash 20% Sprint Speed, 30% Sprint Stamina Efficiency

Jonathan Moreno 


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